Alana is a Border Terrier X Petit Bassett Griffon Vendeen,

and was born in the spiffing town of Ely, Cambridge on the

22nd of December 2008. She lived with her parents Jolly

Roger and Chloe until she was 4 months old when she

moved to Nottingham city centre with her new owners.

As she started life in her new home, Cassy and Co.  were

brought in to assist with basic puppy training which she

relished. Now she is best friends with Fifi the indoor rabbit

and regularly grooms her. She is a well behaved little girl

that loves to be friends with everyone (even if it is not reciprocated!) and loves to please. She looks up to Cassy and has even tried mounting her!

A huge fan of air drumming, headless penguins (soft ones!) and peanut butter puppy poppers, she never tires of playing all day until bedtime. Although not a great fan of swimming yet, her confidence is improving everyday as she braves her way through various parks meeting bigger pooches and curiously challenging large swans!

Hayley Martin



Border Terrier X Petit Bassett Griffon Vendeen

Hayley Martin was born on the 1st of December 1986 in

Reading, Berkshire and grew up in the small town of Newbury

until she moved to Nottingham to study English & Creative

Writing at Nottingham Trent University.

As a child she was never allowed a pet so used to visit her

family friends on a daily basis and dote over their Jack Russell

Terrier, Max, seeing more of him than her human best friend!

The time she spent with Max enabled her love for animals to

develop (even when she did attempt to push the puppy around

in a pram!) Up until his final days, Hayley helped to care for

Max, and assist with daycare, often living-in for long periods of


In Nottingham she worked part-time for ‘Paws For Thought’

where she dog-walked and pet-sat whilst studying. Hayley also

spent time singing in a music project that she is still involved in. After graduating she decided that although using her degree would make great logical sense, her passion lay in animals and music.

Having met Cassy and Kajsa through her new puppy Alana, they found that they shared a lot of common interests . The idea for a doggy day care centre in London was proposed as Hayley was preparing to move down south. Hayley was coached to train dogs and dog run.

With Alana and Fifi the house rabbit she resides in North London, dog walking by day, singing by night.


At Cassy & Co. we believe hold a few things dear and want to make sure that you, our customers, understand why we do what we do.


We believe that each dog is an individual, regardless of breed. From a

Chihuahua to a Bull Mastiff, each dog should be given the same

chances in life. This includes (to quote The Dog Whisperer):

  1. -Exercise; the most important thing to keep a dog “balanced”.

  2. -Discipline; dogs need rules. They need to know where they stand within the pack. It’s instinct.

  3. -Affection; all dogs need love.

At Cassy & Co. we will never turn a dog away because of its breed and we

expect our customers to trust our judgement when it comes to socialising

their dogs with others. We would NEVER risk an accident because of a

dangerous animal, but it is important to understand that the breed does

not make the animal dangerous, the upbringing does.


A dog is a pack animal and its instincts are directly related to this. A dog NEEDS a pack leader (which could be in a pack of humans, cats, whatever the dog is living with) and will look to whoever he/she feels fits the bill. This means fitting the bill according to the dog, not the human. If the dog does not feel there is an appropriate leader, he/she will attempt to take over that role.

At Cassy & Co. we believe that it is important that the human is the

pack leader, especially where many dogs are being walked

simultaneously, as is the case with dog walkers. We therefore

encourage all the dogs that we walk to walk next to us, and not in

front (or at least not pulling). If your dog does not do this, there

are a few tricks that can help and that we will do when we first walk

your dog. Don’t be alarmed - they are more tricks of the mind than

anything else, and there’s always a reward with success!

Our Beliefs

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